Discover the village Filskov …
The red tour on the map is a good route to follow for those who are just arrived.
The distance is 2,6 km.
Click the map to enlarge it
Here is a link to the leaflet Walking tour in Filskov.
It offers information about the village.
❶ Filskov Kro. Roadside inn with restaurant and hotel
❷ Filskov Anlæg. Grounds for relaxing and playing
❸ Købmand. Grocer with chemist and mail.
❹ Filskov former railway station (now a private home)
❺ Filskov Kirke. Church.
❻ View over meadow and Omme river from bridge
❼ Marl lakes, now a beautiful piece of nature
❽ Memorial stone for the medieval church at the Østergård farmhouse
❾ Viadukthallen. Sports center and culture house